Yes, besides being incredibly beautiful, I am also psychic. So someday I would like to meet Val Heart, because she is a professional animal communicator. Her mini-schnauzer, Einstein, is quite special, too. He was only nine weeks old when Val assisted me in asking him the following questions. His answers are truly amazing!
Talisman: I believe that, in the cosmic design, we animals are here to help people find their way. Presume I am correct (of course) and tell me what human you were born to help, and what lesson you are here to help that person learn.
Einstein: Around the end of last year, when I was still in Spirit form, I was asked to help the many lost human souls find their way back to center, to heal, to reconnect with their hearts and the planet’s energies. When I looked for the right human to help me change people’s lives, I found my perfect person in Val Heart. She can communicate with animals so she now speaks with my Voice so you can hear and understand me. We’re the perfect team because we have a shared mission. She’s dedicated her life to helping people connect at deeper levels with their animals. I can help her teach lots more humans and I have very important messages to share with humanity through her gifts. So the Plan was set into motion, and my Mommy and Daddy got together and made me a wonderful new body. I contacted her over the Christmas and New Years holiday season and told her to get ready, I was coming to change the world! I communicated with her for months through dreams and visions and telepathy, and 2 weeks before I was born, I told her to look for me. Sure enough, she found me right away and she knows what our mission is. I’m also here to help Val heal. She’s been very lonely and works way too hard, and she needs me. I’m here to change her life for the better and help her realize her own power, to reconnect with community, to play and embrace the love and flow of life.
Talisman: Do you believe in a Divine Being?
Einstein: I’m not sure I understand the question because we are all Divine Beings. The Divine Spark is in each of us and we are all elements of pure consciousness, quarks in the Quantum Resonance Field, coming from True Source. We simply have different bodies to express ourselves with. Huh. I just thought of this… Have you ever thought that maybe humans and animals are like fleas and ticks on the body of our Mother Earth? But I digress… I came to the Earth to do my soul work, which is helping my human mother teach other humans how to talk to their animal friends. I know my human mother has years of experience, but I believe that together we can make an even bigger difference in the world. Anyway, you know that we animals try to communicate with people all the time. We have messages for them, insights to share, information they don’t know. We want to tell people what’s bothering us, where we hurt – we can even tell them where they hurt. We know what happened in our lives to make us the way we are… and we know what makes us happy and how to make people's life easier and more fun, and healthier too. Humans just need to learn to speak our language better. It’s so hard to try to communicate with them because humans can be so dense! I also want people to realize that we reflect their own imbalances, wounds and issues which makes us their very best teachers and healers. They have a lot to learn from us. And I’m just the dog to teach them. Learning how to work with me and connect at a deeper level helps them be better people – more balanced, kind, and considerate; helps them be healthier and clearer about who they really are – who we animals really are, and can completely transform the quality of life on our planet. And our planet really needs our help right now…
Talisman: Are you afraid of death?
Einstein: What’s to be afraid of? Death is a passage back to Spirit and the veil between worlds is so very thin… we just step out of our bodies. When Death comes it is to be welcomed and embraced. Death is easy. Sometimes the dying is hard, though, but the dying is also a part of life. It is the journey that tempers and illuminates our Spark and sometimes offers the most amazing, life changing lessons… and in that way it becomes like a parting gift to ourselves and our loved ones… until we meet again.
Talisman: What do you want your legacy to be?
Einstein: I want to be remembered as The Dog Who Changed the World. I want my legacy to be a world full of humans that I have been able to touch, inspire, educate and teach so that they know, beyond a doubt, that dogs (and all animals) are in fact Divine messengers. That all animals and other beings are sentient, wise, and are fellow travelers here; and I believe this will help humans enjoy a kinder, gentler, more compassionate, more joyful, stable place of being as the world evolves into it’s next State of Being.
Talisman: What gives you the greatest joy?
Einstein: What really gives me the greatest joy is when I connect with a human and their heart light opens up and shines for all to see. It’s a beautiful thing. I find that life itself is a joy! I love to cleanup our cat Lucy’s food! (She’s says she’s ok with that since she’s mostly finished eating anyway). Pouncing on the octopussy scrunchy toy is a blast too because it makes all these weird crackly noises and I can bite and hump on it all I want... that’s fun too! And my tug toy is very exciting! Chewing and grooming my bear-bear and my other stuffed toys… Oh! I also enjoy car rides, and treats! Treats are great! And learning new games is fun, and meeting people, and just running for the sheer joy of it!
Val Heart is an internationally recognized as an expert animal communicator, behaviorist, and master healer for people and their animals. She works with chronic pain, illness, trauma, training, behavior, euthanasia... and specializes in working with dogs and performance (competitive) sport horses: dressage, hunter jumper, reining, cutting. Val has appeared on television many times, is a frequent and welcome guest on radio, as well as having been showcased in newspapers, journals and magazines. She's a columnist for Enjoy Whole Health Magazine and is a contributing writer for the Austin Pets Directory as well as many ezines and books. She is the resident "Ask the Pet Communicator" for several websites, and her articles frequently appear in ezines and other journals. Val is the author of six books, is a contributing writer to Penelope Smith’s book, Animals in Spirit, and has also most recently contributed to Jenny Smedley’s soon-to-be-published Hay House book, Animal Souls. Her website is http://www.valheart.com/
My own credits include being a beauty queen, working as a celebrity interviewer, and playing a fabulous character in the witty new novel, RED HOT PROPERTY, by Devin O'Branagan. RED HOT PROPERTY is the tale of two rookie real estate agents learning to swim with the sharks at the town's most cutthroat agency. Critics have called it "hilarious, sassy, captivating, and filled with vivid unforgettable characters." I am one of those memorable characters; I'm the office mascot and real estate assistant. And since I have an ego to match my stellar talent, I expect you to read the book. You can learn more about it by visiting: RedHotNovel.com
I'm also a spokesdog for Best Friends Animal Society, the nation's largest sanctuary for homeless, abused and abandoned animals. I am promoting a raffle to benefit Best Friends. The winner's animal companion will become a character in the next novel in the RED HOT series of books! To learn more about this, follow your nose to RedHotNovel/2009BestFriendsRaffle
Come back soon to read more of my otherworldly celebrity interviews!
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