Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Dogs are trend setters...we lived "In The Now" before it was New Age fashionable to do so. This is why we tend to feel that every single moment of our lives is THE WAY IT WILL ALWAYS BE.

Even though I have a higher IQ than most dogs I, too, live from the heart-space of Now. So, when Val leaves me alone--if even it is just to go check the mail--I am extraordinarily happy when he walks back in the door. And when he is cross with me it devastates me beyond all reason.

If Val were to hurt me, or abandon me, or leave me without a forever home I cannot express the anguish I would feel.

I know from my many friendships that animals of all species have hearts that also break.

This is why my spirit was filled with joy when Val introduced me to Best Friends Animal Society, the nation's largest sanctuary for homeless, abused, and abandoned animals. It is a refuge where hearts and bodies are mended by humans caring for animals, and by animals bonding with each other. No animals are killed because they are inconvenient, or troubled, or ill. Those who aren't suited to living with people are loved anyway, and those who want forever homes sometimes find them because of the work Best Friends does.

So, when I found out that Best Friends is funded by charitable donations, I came up with the idea of holding a raffle to benefit the sanctuary. The winner's pet will become a character in my creator's new novel and will become famous, just like me! And the animals at Best Friends will continue to know love...just like me.

Please enter the raffle. Don't wait. Time is different for us.

Follow the scent of this link to find out what you can do

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a kind heart you have...